Our Toronto
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Current status:
Countermunicipalist (platform working outside institutions)
North America
Our Toronto is a coalition of Millennials who joined forces in October 2017 to lead the fight against corporate and political elitism in Toronto's municipal government. After engaging with municipal politics and activism like Occupy Wall Street, The Toronto Women's March, The Toronto Youth Cabinet, and Black Lives Matter, the members of Our Toronto saw the next step as taking protest to the electorate and take back power at City Hall.
The first objective in Our Toronto’s transformation of municipal politics in Toronto is to collectively build a living municipal platform with contributions from residents, grassroots movements, professionals, experts, and our existing political organizations. By putting a particular focus on the ability and right of all city residents to participate in the process, Our Toronto strives to make civic engagement a daily practice, and amplify leaders who identify as women, people of colour, LGBT+, youth, and other communities that are currently underrepresented at our City Hall.
Contact name:
Nahum Mann
647 780 5835
Contact name 2:
Keegan Henry-Mathieu
416 817 2814